



Ana Alexandre - Post-doctoral Research

I graduated in Marine Biology from the University of Algarve in 2001, when I first worked with seagrasses during the final thesis. I obtained a Master degree in Marine and Coastal Studies in 2004, and a PhD degree in Marine Ecology in 2011. Since then, I have established a number of scientific collaborations and have participated in several international research projects on diversified topics, such as environmental monitoring and management, restoration of seagrass habitats, ecosystem metabolism, anthropogenic impacts (clam harvesting, nutrient inputs and ocean acidification), ecology of invasive macroalgae, sexual reproduction and nitrogen metabolism of seagrasses. I am currently focused on understanding the importance of organic nitrogen in seagrass systems. I am involved in an international seagrass restoration project using in vitro germinated seedlings, and I am also interested in understanding the nutrient (N and P) competition dynamics between seagrasses and seaweeds.